Hi! I'mĀ Carolyn McIntyre, PT

Founder and owner of McIntyre Canine Rehabilitation. I am happy to share my favourite pieces of canine fitness equipment and related products from Amazon. I have tried and used all these products and stand by their quality. Enjoy!

Happy training and happy shopping!


Carolyn's Top 5! Balance Foam Pad
Carolyn's Top 5! Yoga Blocks
Carolyn's Top 5! Rubber Feeding Bowl
Carolyn's Top 5! Core Balance Disk Trainer
Carolyn's Top 5! Aerobic Stepper
Foldable Step Stool - Ideal for Small Dogs
Recommended stool for medium to large dogs
Adjustable Platform
Anti-slip Tape
Resistance Bands
Balance Wedge
Portable, retractable folding stool
Kong Toys
Book: "Chasing Excellence" by Ben Bergeron
Book: "The Gap and the Gain" by Dan Sullivan

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